
Anime Series About Little Girls Fighting Alien Bugs

Anime Series About Little Girls Fighting Alien Bugs

by Lynzee Loveridge,

One of the first Lists I always wrote was titled "six Trailblazing Shojo 'Deconstructions' Yous Should Be Watching." At the time, I wanted to write near other magical serial that approached their formula the aforementioned manner Madoka Magica was at the fourth dimension, but the series I included weren't necessarily 'shojo' and looking dorsum, I didn't make my indicate quite so well. Even at that fourth dimension, I didn't know exactly how big of an outcome Madoka Magica was going to have on the popularity of dark magical daughter shows, launching a full-blown sub-genre in just a few curt years. If you're a fan of magical girls in increasingly dark and sometimes voyeuristic situations, then hopefully this list has your number.

Madoka Magica Information technology's non that magical daughter stories hadn't ended in tragedy earlier Madoka Magica. Information technology'south actually incredibly common in older series like Fairy Princess Minky Momo , Nurse Angel Ririka SOS , and Crewman Moon , not to mention the cult striking Nanoha franchise . Madoka Magica just brought this niche interest to prominence for a wider audition, by killing off one of its leads in a gruesome fashion by the third episode and revealing its mascot as the team's primary antagonist. The series likewise wasn't afraid to graphically illustrate its cast'southward emotional suffering, cementing it as a staple that would inform imitators for years to come.

Uta∽Kata Uta Kata predates Madoka Magica and while it deals with similar psychological themes, its approach is less artistically abstruse and more straightforward. It also wallows in its misery more than overtly and keeps its mysteries close to its chest for the majority of its run. Eye-schooler Ichika Tachibana receives a magical amulet from Manatsu, a girl in a mirror, that lets her commune with djinn and briefly gain magical powers. Despite its magical girl trappings, the series hinges on its portrayal of psychological elements dealing with adolescence, mental illness (especially obsessive-compulsive disorder) and sexual corruption.

il sole penetra le illusioni ~ Day Intermission Illusion Day Interruption Illusion is an original anime series spawned non long afterwards Madoka Magica finished. Much of information technology seems directly cribbed from by influences with the horror drama turned way up, with monsters feeding on negative human emotions and transforming those people into monsters themselves. Much of the testify'southward tragic tone relies on the character's guilt over killing humans, drawing even more direct parallels to Madoka Magica. It mostly stands out for more thoroughly expanding its magical cast and pulling themes from tarot cards, which is absolutely cool.

Yuki Yuna Is a Hero Yuki Yuna may be more than optimistic than its predecessors by the stop, just the prove still has no problem putting its magical girls through the ringer. The cast's use of their magical powers is direct tied to their physical health, which goes about how you might expect. The entire team loses the use of appendages, hearing, sight, or their vox earlier the final episode. The bear witness turns things around by the stop, only that doesn't mean the path in that location isn't plenty disturbing.

Magical Girl Raising Project This brings us to the "magical girl death match" subgenre. Magical Daughter Raising Projection operates nether the idea that there can be too many magical girls in 1 expanse, and when that happens they're going to cull the herd past pitting them against one another. This is when the story really gets dark for darkness' sake, making for a viewing feel that relies on having fun guessing who will die next, like you're rubbernecking a slowly unfolding disaster. Magical Girl Raising Projection is a series dominated by villains and backstabbing, where the purehearted protagonist is pushed to her limits.

Magical Girl Site If Magical Girl Raising Project is about an ongoing emotional trauma in the present, Magical Girl Site applies all that misery to its cast's pasts every bit well. Anybody in this show, from family to classmates to friends, is a horribly atrocious person, ramping the disaster-spotter depict up exponentially. Every unmarried graphic symbol is either the victim of abuse or a perpetrator, and the story withal manages to fit magical panties into the mix. Murderers are forgiven at the drop of a hat and your all-time friend volition stick by you even if yous're torturing some dude in your apartment.

Magical Girl Special Ops Asuka This anime isn't even out yet, simply the manga is readily available in English if you lot like your heart-searching magical girls with more than action accessories and tragic baggage. Magical Girl Asuka Spec Ops is a military action spin on the concept with an alien invasion serving as the state of war that haunts its characters. Asuka battles PTSD and is heavily resistant to heroism unless information technology involves protecting someone she cares for deeply. Unfortunately for Asuka, duty e'er calls to go on aliens from destroying the world she cares about.

The new poll: What'southward your favorite currently airing American cartoons?

The old poll: Which male character do you wish would make you lot luncheon?

  1. Sōma Yukihira ( Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma )
  2. Sanji ( One PIECE )
  3. Sebastian Michaelis ( Blackness Butler )
  4. Jōichirō Yukihira (Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma)
  5. Rin Okumura ( Blue Exorcist )
  6. Owner ( Restaurant to Another World )
  7. Takeshi/Brock ( Pokémon )
  8. Tonio Trussardi ( JoJo'due south Baroque Risk )
  9. Shirō Emiya (Fate/? Today's Bill of fare for the Emiya Family)
  10. Shiro Emiya (Fate series)
  11. Kimihiro Watanuki ( xxxHOLiC )

When she isn't compiling lists of tropes, topics, and characters, Lynzee works every bit the Managing Involvement Editor for Anime News Network and posts pictures of her sons on Twitter @ANN_Lynzee .

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